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WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024

澳洲幸运10走势图开奖历史查询-2024年澳洲幸运十168 The world’s leading event for developers

17-19 July 2024 • Berlin, Germany

Join 12k+ developers and get a complete overview of the latest insights and trends in modern software development. This is not just another developer conference. The focus is on the people, on developers, on you.

»WeAreDevelopers is my favorite conference. It's the best event you can go to if you are a developer!«

Joel Spolsky Founder of Stack Overflow, Trello, Glitch & HASH

100 coders — only 1 champion

Europe’s ultimate coding competition

CODE100 dazzled audiences at its exceptional premiere at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2023 in Berlin. The journey has just begun - keep an eye out for more updates soon.

WeAreDevelopers LIVE

Level up your skills, live

Delivered by proven experts and developers from the community, WeAreDevelopers LIVE is a virtual event series packed with tech talks, coding sessions and workshops about building great software.