Are you curious about the average salary in Norway? You're not alone! Understanding the average salary in any country can provide valuable insights into its economy and can help you make an informed decision about your financial goals, careers, and even relocation plans.
Known for its high standard of living and generous social welfare system, Norway is an attractive destination for many expats. So, whether you're considering a job offer, exploring career opportunities, or simply satisfying your curiosity, in this article, we’ll discuss Norwegian salaries and discover what makes this Nordic country so enticing.
What’s the average salary in Norway?
According to Statistics Norway, the average salary in Norway is 637,800 NOK per year or 52,150 NOK per month. However, it's important to keep in mind that these salary averages are not absolute, and your actual earnings may vary significantly depending on your individual circumstances.
Here are some factors to consider:
- Industry and job type: Certain sectors, like oil and gas, offer higher salaries than others.
- Experience and education: Salaries typically increase with experience and higher education levels.
- Gender: Although the gap is closing, men still tend to earn slightly more than women in Norway.
What’s a good salary in Norway?
Your definition of "good" will depend on your personal financial goals, family situation, desired lifestyle, and spending habits. However, according to the figures in Numbeo, a single person (living outside of Oslo) should be comfortable on a 500,000 - 600,000 NOK salary per year, while a family (living outside of Oslo) should be comfortable on an 800,000 - 1,000,000 NOK annual salary.
Norway has a relatively high cost of living, particularly in major cities. This means housing, food, and transportation can be expensive. Nonetheless, Norwegians enjoy a high standard of living with excellent healthcare, education, and social security benefits. These benefits are funded through taxes, contributing to the higher cost of living.
Why move to Norway?
Norway is a popular destination for those seeking a higher standard of living and better opportunities. One of the major draws for people considering the move is the average salary in Norway. With its average sitting at 637,800 NOK per year, it sits among some of the highest in the world, along with Luxembourg, Switzerland, Iceland, and Ireland.
This enticing figure, coupled with the country's strong focus on work-life balance, makes Norway an attractive choice for those looking to advance their careers and improve their overall well-being.
However, as enticing as that may sound, the cost of living in Norway is generally considered quite high and is 78% more expensive than that of its Western European neighbours.
The average salary in Norway by industry
Now that you know the average salary in Norway, let’s break it down by industry.
Source: Statistics Norway
The data above reflects a significant disparity across various industries. Areas such as financial and insurance, mining and quarrying, and electricity offer the highest salaries, with figures exceeding 70,000 NOK. This is most likely due to the specialised skills required or the high-demand nature of these jobs. On the other hand, fields such as accommodation and food service present significantly lower average salaries, which is consistent with the nature of roles typically found in service-based industries.
The average salary in Norway by occupational group
Norway offers competitive salaries across the board. However, there are a few occupational groups that compensate better than others. Here’s the breakdown:
Source: Statistics Norway
The average salary in Norway by education level
In this Scandinavian country, it shouldn’t be a surprise that education is highly valued and rewarded. A solid education opens doors to lucrative opportunities and higher earning potential. Whether you hold a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, or a PhD, your qualifications can significantly impact your salary. Employers in Norway recognise the value of well-educated individuals and are willing to compensate accordingly.
Source: Statistics Norway
The average salary in Norway by City
Norway isn’t all about the breathtaking fjords and captivating auroras. With its strong economy and high standard of living, Norway offers some of the most competitive wages in the world. But what about the variation in salaries across different cities? Well, let's break it down:
Source: Statistics Norway
Average salaries in other European countries
As one of the wealthiest nations in the world, it’s not surprising that the average salary is significantly higher than in many other European countries. With an average monthly salary of around 52,150 NOK, or approximately 4,631 euros, Norwegian workers can enjoy a substantial income. While Norway's average salary may be impressive, let's explore other European nations to compare. Here’s a breakdown:
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